WDCC Meet-up: how knowledge graphs can help solve sustainability challenges
On Thursday 21 March, WDCC organizes a next meet-up. This time it’s about how knowledge graphs can help solve sustainability challenges. In this meet-up you’ll have the opportunity to learn about what knowledge graphs are and how to develop and deploy them. But for all you’ll have the opportunity to meet the experts and the WDCC community.
17.30hr Walk-in with pizza
19.15hr Drinks and networking
We are very honored to have a line-up of very experienced researchers on this topic:
- Anelia Kurteva from Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) - TU Delft
- Luís Moreira de Sousa from Geoinformatics - WUR
- Neris Ozen from WFSR - WUR
- Alireza Amoozmand PSG – WUR
So please safe the date in your agenda and register here data@wur.nl right away.
This meet-up will be hosted by Anna Fensel (Full Professor, Personal Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science) and Jene van der Heide (Coordinator Research WDCC).
On behalf of Jene van der Heide & Anna Fensel