Results of the project Freewalk
The future of housing of dairy cows has been reviewed by researchers from the FreeWalk consortium. Now results available in Journal of Dairy Science and Journal Animals.
Animal welfare, natural behavior, low emissions, reuse of waste products, climate control, aesthetics of the building in the landscape, capital efficiency, and manure quality are the main drivers of future housing systems.
The study was financially supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement No 696231, for research carried out within the ERA-NET SusAn project “FreeWalk”.
- J.Galama, W.Ouweltjes, M.I.Endres, J.R.Sprecher, L.Leso, A.Kuipers, M.Klopčič5; Symposium review Future of housing for dairy cattle, J. Dairy Science, 2020
- Patrícia Ferreira Ponciano Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva Ferraz, Lorenzo Leso, Marija Klopčič, Giuseppe Rossi and Matteo Barbari; Evaluation of the Physical Properties of Bedding Materials, Journal Animals, February 2020
- Isabel Blanco-Penedo, Wijbrand Ouweltje, Elfriede Ofner-Schröck, Kerstin Brügemann, Ulf Emanuelson; Symposium review Animal welfare in free-walk systems in Europe, Journal of Dairy Science, 2020
- L.Leso, M.Barbari, M.A.Lopes, F.A.Damasceno, P.Galama, J.L.Taraba, A.Kuipers; Invited review - compost-bedded pack barns for dairy cows, Journal Dairy Science, February 2020, Pages 1072-1099