Implementation Plan

FACCE-JPI has been building a portfolio of research actions to address the Core Themes in its Strategic Research Agenda through successive Implementation Plans (2014-20152016-2018, 2018-2020, 2020-2022). These actions include:

  • 5 ERA-Net Cofunds
  • 1 joint call cross 3 ERA-Nets, 1 joint call across 4 ERA-Nets, 1 joint call with another JPI
  • 1 European Joint Programme Cofund
  • 3 Knowledge Hubs, one together with two other JPIs
  • 1 Knowledge Network
  • 1 Thematic Annual Programming action
  • 1 Interaction with another network
  • 6 exploratory workshops aimed at identifying the type of work FACCE-JPI could undertake on a specific topic in the future
  • several cross-cutting valorisation activities aimed at better communicating and disseminating FACCE-JPI scientific results to national/EU policy makers and other stakeholders

Most joint actions are discussed in dedicated Working Groups and/or have undergone some scoping work with SAB/StAB and expert involvement. Others, such as exploratory workshops, aim to provide insight into future research needs. Interaction and cooperation with existing FACCE-JPI initiatives, EU and international actions is sought.