JPI Healthy Diets for a Healthy Life


FACCE-JPI and JPI HDHL collaborate at both programmatic and strategic levels since 2015. Both JPIs have collaborated on issues cutting across their respective Strategic Research Agendas (e.g., the effect of public policies on food and nutrition security, the impact of climate change on food production and nutrition).

Key activities

  • Joint advocacy event, "Grand Debate on Nutrition Security – a Whole Systems Approach” organised at the EXPO 2015. A paper was produced to feed the future strategic plans and activities of the two JPIs (FACCE-JPI Implementation Plan 2014-15)
  • Joint FACCE-JPI/ JPI HDHL (+ JPI OCEANS) Knowledge Hub on Food and Nutrition Security, that will connect researchers with other existing initiatives and relevant stakeholders, in order to better assess the impact of climate change on nutritional make-up of food, and propose adaptive strategies and measures to ensure food and nutrition security (FACCE-JPI Implementation Plan 2018-20).