JPI Oceans
After the Milan international EXPO in 2015, JPIs FACCE and HDHL proposed to address the issue of Food and Nutrition Security, publishing a working paper to contribute to the European Strategy on Food and Nutrition Security. In 2016, JPI Oceans joined these discussions to ensure the entire food system could be addressed.
Key activities
- Two expert workshops were held in 2016 to develop a Joint paper on priority joint actions which were presented to the Management Boards of each JPI.
- Joint FACCE-JPI/JPI-HDHL (+ JPI-OCEANS) Knowledge Hub on Food and Nutrition Security, that will connect researchers with other existing initiatives and relevant stakeholders, in order to better assess the impact of climate change on nutritional make-up of food, and propose adaptive strategies and measures to ensure food and nutrition security (FACCE-JPI Implementation Plan 2018-20).