
New perspectives on the protein transition: a role for the public sector

Published on
November 9, 2022

To help the public sector resolve barriers in the protein transition, Wageningen University & Research (WUR) launches the campaign ‘Protein Transition: from pain points to perspectives’. In 4 sessions (from November 2022 – February 2023) a multidisciplinary team of WUR experts zooms in on the 4 biggest challenges for policymakers AND offers perspectives. From reducing dependency on soy import to shaping a circular food system.

“We are all increasingly aware of the need for action in the protein transition: a consumption shift from animal to plant-based and alternative protein sources and rethinking the way animal sourced foods are produced. Yet the complexity of this challenge which touches on climate change, nitrogen cycles, and loss of biodiversity, makes it difficult to navigate. Therefore, WUR wants to offer future perspectives and stimulate public sector dialogue”, explains Stacy Pyett, Co-Coordinator Protein Transition program at WUR.

4 sessions

In monthly online sessions (from 22 November 2022 to February 2023) WUR experts will discuss the challenges, and dive deeper into perspectives: pathways by which barriers can be resolved and protein policy can be designed more effectively. The topics are:

Innovating traditions: futures for dairy farmers

Technologies such as precision fermentation can play an important role in the production of alternative proteins. But what are the possibilities and what motivates farmers to adopt such technologies?

Strategies for a consumption shift: towards a more plant-based diet

We often focus on the responsibility of individual consumers or on the development of innovative food products, such as meat substitutes. This session is about other ways to stimulate a more plant-based diet, plus the most effective policy instruments in this regard.

Less reliance on soy imports: alternatives for animal feed, based on insects, microalgae and side streams

Worldwide many countries depend on soy imports, especially for livestock feed and feed for aquaculture. WUR experts will show sustainable and affordable alternatives, based on their findings from a Lake Victoria case study and consider how the results can be rolled out worldwide.

Animals as recyclers: towards a circular food system

How can we produce enough safe and nutritious food for future populations without depleting resources or destroying ecosystems? WUR experts will visualize future scenario’s using the Circular Food System Model.

Participation is free of charge. All policymakers, NGOs and other stakeholders of the protein transition worldwide are welcome.